Statements of Intent Podcast
#20: What’s Wrong With eCommerce: Season 1 Recap with David Mannheim

In this episode, host David Mannheim reflects on the key lessons and insights gained from the first season of the Statements of Intent podcast.

David Mannheim
#19: Why Website Optimisation Fails with David Mannheim

In this episode, David Mannheim, founder of Made With Intent, advocates for a shift away from optimising for conversion metrics and page templates. Towards truly understanding and catering to each buyer's individual journey and mindset - what he calls "stages, not pages."‍

David Mannheim
#18: You Wouldn’t Treat Your Friends That Way: Customer Experience with Jonny Longden

In this episode of Statements of Intent, host David Mannheim talks to Johnny Longden, Group Digital Director at Boohoo, about the pressures faced by eCommerce companies and how a myopic focus on metrics can undermine the customer experience.

David Mannheim