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Get predictive context on every visitor with

Intent Metrics

How Made With Intent predicts visitor intent in real time.

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See Intent In Action

Browse our demo store to see our real-time intent tracking in action. See how a site experience can change based on your intent metrics. Or, you know, just buy some swag.

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How intent metrics work

Intent Signals

Listen to intent signals

Our model predicts intent to purchase, abandon, return, add to bag or progress are all updated over time.

Combined with momentum, journey data and buying stage predictions - such as browsing, evaluating or committing - you now have a better understanding of each customer.

Intent Model

Model data into intent

These signals are then interpreted in our proprietary AI model—trained on over 50 international retailers.

Inferences are modelled in real-time, then benchmarked against other retailers.

What this makes possible

Intent Metrics

Predict context and actions

Our model predicts visitor intent to purchase, abandon, return, add to bag or progress in real time.

Combined with momentum, journey data and buying stage predictions, you now have a better understand each visitor.


Add intentto the tools you use

You can integrate this data into other platforms, from your analytics or CDP to your advertising or experience tools.

This unlocks more human insights or intent targeting across your existing tech stack.

The 3 game-changing ways How you can use this


Segment and test using intent to discover overlooked opportunities for immediate and future growth.

More on insights
Respond In-Session

React to customer intent by delivering a more appropriate shopping experience in real time.

More on in-session
Reengage Post-Visit

Align your offsite comms and return to site experience with the intent of past visitors.

More on post-visit
  • 2-minute setup
    Just put our tiny script in your <head> or tag manager.
  • More Data
    Compared to 100+ eCommerce implementations.
  • No PII
    Just GDPR-compliant behavioural insights.
Optimise your digital strategy

Give your retail business an edge that others overlook. Use customer intent to gain in-quarter sales, future revenue and a framework that scales.

How ecommerce leaders use Intent
Adapt your store for each user

Improve conversion rate and user satisfaction. Optimise your store experience by focusing on customer buying stages, not just pages.

How Experience teams use Intent
Engage by buying stage

Make your messaging more appropriate by knowing which customers need nurturing or nudging. Repeat orders and LTV gains await.

How CRM teams use Intent
Target purchase intent

Focus your time and budget on likely buyers. Increase your ROAS, decrease your CPA and be more appropriate in your digital marketing.

How Digital Marketing teams use Intent
Respond to visitors in real time

Add a predictive lens to your online store. Prioritise appropriate trading levers based on customer intent and impact on revenue.

How Trading teams use Intent

Add customer intent to your ecommerce strategy

Use the button below to book your personal Intent demo at a time that suits you. 
If you’re not ready for that, you’ll also find a full interactive demo to play with.

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