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What intent can do for you

Use cases

Intent helps ecommerce teams to align how they sell with how people actually buy. Onsite, offsite and for insight.

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Prioritise Opportunities

Focus on your overlooked revenue with an all-new perspective on your buying phase performance data and intent-based customer segments.

Understand Intent

Get an overview of your visitors’ intent and how well your site progresses it through a proven, predictive framework.


Offer smarter discount incentives in real time, only when visitor context suggests they are needed to close a sale.

Product Discovery

Highlight recommendations, filters and search to boost engagement exactly when your visitors need them.

Email Capture

Get better quality signups at a higher rate. Ask for emails in appropriate ways at the right times.

Feature Delivery

Prioritise site features depending on your visitors' needs. Only show things like social proof, chat or reviews when they help.

Abandonment Emails

Target visitors who showed intent but may not return on their own. Leave the rest alone. Increase conversion while protecting margin.

Engagement Emails

Move past catch-all campaigns. Target visitors’ intent or affinities to make every email meaningful. Improve clickthroughs and revenue.

Unlock customer intent for your ecommerce business

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