An intent use case

Maintain intent

-17%cart abandonments


Made With Intent detects potential buyers and helps you react to them in real time. It helps you reduce abandons by keeping visitors on track with focused experiences.

Maintaining intent Without... intent?

Ecommerce teams often take actions like basket building or refining as a purchase signal. But many then do nothing to adapt their store or messaging anyway.

This generic experience contributes to potential buyers abandoning purchases. This is an avoidable loss of revenue, whether due to friction or a lack of well-timed closing.

How Intent changes this

Made With Intent identifies potential buyers in real time. This unlocks targeted responses, so retailers can maintain purchase intent and reduce cart abandonment.

For most visitors, it isn’t about a big push. It’s about removing distractions. About focus. Intent metrics lets you optimise the experience of each likely buyer without putting them (or others) off.

This cuts

Cart abandonments*

*when compared to generic optimisation

3 ways to use
This new targeting

retain more revenue

See where potential buyers drop off and optimise their experience with adaptive moments.

Preempt abandons

Save sales by reacting to struggle or abandon behaviours with adaptive moments (like this).

Reengage on return

Resume multi-session journeys with a product preference or basket reminder.


Why Ecommerce teams Love intent

Simple SETUP

1 script

Seriously. With no impact on Core Web Vitals.


0 Personal Data

We listen to 250+ intent signals, but zero PII.


40+ integrations

With analytics tools, CDPs, CRMs, experience engines and more.


1 bn+ interactions

Our model is trained on 50+ ecomm stores.

Unlock customer intent for your ecommerce business

Just use the button below to register your interest.

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FAQs (or things you may be thinking)

“I don’t have time to manage another platform…”

Made With Intent is designed to be complementary to supercharge your existing tech stack, it doesn’t sit in isolation. As a customer segmentation platform, this means our metrics and segments can automatically feed into your existing ways of working seamlessly.

We believe that intent is fundamental to how you sell, because it aligns with how people really buy. This is therefore less a “platform to manage”, and more “an opportunity to find overlooked value and target it”. This is why we call it Moneyball for eCommerce.

“Our resource is limited and we have to prioritise…”

Resource is always limited in this game. The difference here is that Made With Intent is a game changer. We know that’s what all the new tools say…but look what our customers say. Just above, right on this page.

The reason most ecommerce brands don’t focus on customer intent today is not just because it required teams of data scientists (til now), but because we’re entrenched in ways of working. The thing is, this way has ended up being retrospective and aggregated, meaning solutions lack impact and appropriateness.

Made With Intent changes this by revealing intent, and with it, your previously overlooked opportunities. It shows you who to target and what to do for maximum impact.

“Ok, but I bet this takes a lot of effort to implement…”

Made With Intent allows you to prioritise using the most effective prioritisation method possible - how people really buy. 

If you know someone has a high intent to purchase but hasn’t bought yet, the hard work is already done. They just require a little push over the line. Yes, Made With Intent will identify these visitors (and others), based on potential opportunity to your business, and provide you with the ability to target them through an integration with your marketing platforms.

Of course, that still requires effort from you to communicate with these segments. But focus creates impact. In most cases, we advocate focusing on segments that might convert now, to demonstrate immediate ROI and incremental revenue. Better prioritisation equates to lower effort in both the short and long run. And our data lets you do this with the tools you’re already using.

“We really don’t need more segments to focus on…”

It is likely you’ll already be segmenting your visitor base by attribute, RFM (recency, frequency or monetary) or affinity. These segmentation methods are well-known and used, yet are retrospective and therefore can be limited.

Intent metrics, like intent to return, give you the ability to focus on real-time, predictive measures. While this might seem like another segmentation methodology, it simply layers a new view onto your strategy. And not just any view, but the one that is most fundamental to how we sell (and buy) in real life. If you understand customer intent, you can sell in a way that is more personalised, more relevant, more appropriate and, ultimately, more impactful.

“We’re not quite ready to personalise like this…”

Intent isn’t an advanced personalisation strategy, it’s a basic segmentation framework. It’s actually the most simple and fundamental way of segmenting your customers, because it is aligned with how people really buy.

Current online personalisation strategies are often based on attributes which are proxies and assumptions of how people buy differently - traffic source, device, product category, new vs returning etc. Such methods are not truly indicative of how people buy, nor are they personal.

The mindset of the customer - where they are in their buying stage, how likely they are to purchase - is a much more aligned and personal anchor to personalise your messaging and content on. It makes more sense and is now no more difficult than, for example, what page they’re on.

More Use Cases

Understand the intent of visitors

Made With Intent gives ecommerce teams an overview of their visitors’ intent and how well they progress it. It lets you get closer to your customers’ buying stages through a proven, predictive framework.

Prioritise opportunities based on intent

Focus on your overlooked revenue with an all-new perspective on your customers. Use Made With Intent’s buying phase performance data and intent-based customer segments.

Target visitors who are likely to exit

Made With Intent gives you predictive intent metrics on how likely a visitor is to exit. This lets you target abandoning segments with appropriate interventions, before they move to leave.